Add New Experiment
To add a new experiment, click on the toolbar of the main window, "Census" window or "Cage" window. On "Census" window you can add mice from multiple cages into an experiment.
When adding an experiment to a cage, all the mice in the cage will be added into the experiment. If you transfer mice that are not in the experiment into the cage later, the experiment becomes unsearchable by clicking the "Experiment search" button on the cage window. Search experiment by cage works only if all the mice in the cages have been assigned to the same experiment.
The wizard window will direct you step by step to input experiment information. Only the first step is required.
Step1: Experiment description. Input experiment start date, type, project, procedure, reagents, note etc here.
Step2: Add animals. Add mice, pups or embryos. If you add an experiment from cage or census, the mice in the cage(s) are automatically added here.
Step3: Add experiment groups. This step will not show up if you skip step 2.
Step4: Assign animals to groups. This step will not show up if you skip step2 or 3. To assign animals to a group, select both the group and the animals, then click the "Connect" button.
Step5: Add experiment plan. An experiment plan consists of series of events. The program will remind you when the date comes.
Step6: Add pictures. You can import multiple files and change their description and note at one time by selecting them using Shift or Control key. Single click to preview the picture on the right panel. Click button to open the picture in the outside system default picture viewing program.
Please see Program Settings on how to set up the data folder.
The files are not saved at this step.
Step7: Add data files. You can import multiple files with any format and change their description and note at one time by selecting them using Shift or Control key. If the file is in excel format (.xls, .xlsx, etc), You can preview excel files in the "experiment data" panel by double click the file. Click to open a file in the system default program.
The files are not saved until you click "Finish".
After you click "Finish", the program will make copies of the files you just imported and save the copies into the data folder (the original files are still in the old place). Then the "Experiment" window will be opened. You can further modify the information in the "Experiment" window.